Summer Photos

It had been far too long since I made myself go out and take some photos. Didn’t get very many winners but I’m out of practice.

This Buddha statue at VMFA begs to be photographed. It’s right under a skylight that puts it in beautiful light.

This is Gemma. She’s cat number two1.

Got some decent photos one incredibly humid afternoon at Lewis Ginter.

And Bea and I went to Maymont on a miserably hot and humid day and I got a bunch of garbage photos, but this one I was happy with…

My continued struggle with film is starting to get very frustrating. The process is too burdensome for the results I get. I’m seriously considering going back to a digital camera.

  1. Scout passed last year after sixteen long years and somehow we now have three cats.↩︎

July 21, 2023

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