Some New (Mostly) Photo Scans

I have really made more of an effort lately to get out and take more photos. Not easy in the winter when you get off work at 4:30 and it’s dark by 5, but that’s what weekends and off-days are for…

These first two are on pushed (800 speed) HP5+ at the park by my house.

Next are two medium format Kodak Tmax 400 images from the Petersburg National Battlefield. The second one is a period-correct duplicate of the Dictator.

This one was during the Chester Christmas Parade. I miscalculated the develop time on that roll and thought I had totally cooked the negatives, but I was able to rescue a couple of them after scanning.

The only old” photo scan in this batch. I’ve been simplifying my editing process and wanted to try it on this older image. I really like it.

Finally a few pinhole images. The first two are behind my house. The last one is of one of our cats. Pinhole long-exposure plus curious cat makes for some pretty ghostly images…

January 11, 2025 · photos

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